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![]() Frontline - House of Saud Running Time: 1 hr 56 mins. Saudi Arabia—one of the United States' most important allies for more than sixty years—is home to vast oil fields and a wealthy, often extravagant, monarchy. It is also home to fifteen of the nineteen terrorists responsible for the attacks of September 11, 2001. Until 9/11, most Americans paid little attention to how the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was run. But in the aftermath of the attacks, America awoke to some difficult truths about its longtime ally: for decades, Saudi wealth and charities supported individuals and organizations dedicated to doing America harm, and its universities and religious schools—known as madrassas—prepared countless young men for jihad against the West. The 50 Years War Israel And The Arabs Part One / Running Time: 2:27 Part Two / Running Time: 2:26 Go inside the half-century-old Arab-Israeli conflict to learn the history and politics behind the violence and the search for peace. Drawing on meticulous research and exclusive interviews with principals from both sides — some of whom have never before spoken publicly on the subject — “The 50 Years War” tells the story of the conflict's most dramatic moments. Meet the heads of state, prime ministers, aides, military commanders, terrorists and power brokers who brought the region to war and back again. Produced 1998. Bill Moyers Journal: Buying the War (2007) Running Time: 86 mins. Four years ago this spring (of 2007) the Bush administration took leave of reality and plunged our country into a war so poorly planned it soon turned into a disaster. The story of how high officials mislead the country has been told. But they couldn't have done it on their own; they needed a compliant press, to pass on their propaganda as news and cheer them on. Since then thousands of people have died, and many are dying to this day. Yet the story of how the media bought what the white house was selling has not been told in depth on television. As the war rages into it's fifth year, we look back at those months leading up to the invasion, when our press largely surrendered its independence and skepticism to join with our government in marching to war. Frontline: Showdown with Iran Running Time: 58 mins. As the United States and Iran are locked in a battle for power and influence across the Middle East -- with the fear of an Iranian nuclear weapon looming in the background -- FRONTLINE gains unprecedented access to Iranian hard-liners shaping government policy, including parliament leader Hamid Reza Hajibabaei, National Security Council member Mohammad Jafari and state newspaper editor Hossein Shariatmadari. In this report, that focuses on the tumultuous U.S.-Iran relations since 9/11, FRONTLINE examines how U.S. efforts to install democracy in Iraq have served to strengthen Iran's position as an emerging power in the Middle East. Frontline - Private Warriors Running Time: 38 mins FRONTLINE returns to Iraq, this time to embed with Halliburton/KBR, and to take a hard look at private contractors who play a critical role in running U.S. military supply lines, providing armed protection and operating U.S. military bases. Their dramatic story illuminates the Pentagon's new reliance on corporate outsourcing and raises questions about where they fit in the chain of command and the price we are paying for their role in the war. If copyright becomes an issue on this video upload, it will be deleted immediately. The Secret Government (1987) Running Time: 86 mins. Known for his award winning PBS documentaries, Bill Moyers interviews several people involved with the CIA and other government agencies who speak about various U.S. foreign policy covert and overt operations that took place during the Cold War era. This documentary gives quite an overview of what has actually happened in the last 50 years regarding the founding of the National Security Agency and the CIA. The Fog of War Running Time: 1hr 47mins This is an amazing film that opens the door into what was really going on when the Kennedy. Administration handled the Cuban Missile Crisis... as well as how Vietnam policy dramatically changed once Kennedy was no longer in office. Robert McNamara gives us 11 lessons that America needs to learn so that we don't make the same mistakes twice. Why We Fight Running Time: 1 hr, 38 mins WHY WE FIGHT, won the Grand Jury Prize at the 2005 Sundance Film Festival, it is an unflinching look at the anatomy of the American war machine, weaving unforgettable personal stories with commentary by a whos who of military and beltway insiders. Featuring John McCain, William Kristol, Chalmers Johnson, Gore Vidal, Richard Perle and others, WHY WE FIGHT launches a bipartisan inquiry into the workings of the military industrial complex and the rise of the American Empire. Inspired by Dwight Eisenhowers legendary farewell speech (in which he coined the phrase military industrial complex), filmmaker Jarecki surveys the scorched landscape of a half-centurys military adventures, asking how and telling why a nation of, by, and for the people has become the savings-and-loan of a system whose survival depends on a state of constant war. ![]()
![]() ![]() FRONTLINE: Inside the Meltdown How the economy went so bad, so fast and what Paulson and Bernanke didn't see, couldn't stop and haven't been able to fix. Duration: (56:29) FRONTLINE: Ten Trillion and Counting How the economy went so bad, so fast and what Paulson and Bernanke didn't see, couldn't stop and haven't been able to fix. Duration: (56:47) FRONTLINE: Breaking the Bank FRONTLINE untangles the complicated financial, political web threatening Bank of America Running Time: 56:35 FRONTLINE: The Warning Long before the economic meltdown, one woman tried to warn about the threat to the financial system... Duration: (55:16) ![]() David Harvey on Class and Class Struggle Taken from Harvey's final lecture in his Reading Marx's Capital series. (Harvey's 13 hour series "Reading Marx's Capital" is now available on iTunes for FREE! Search for it under podcasts) Status Anxiety Running Time: 48:55 Status Anxiety discusses the desire of people in many modern societies to "climb the social ladder" and the anxieties that result from a focus on how one is perceived by others. The End of Poverty? Exploring the history of poverty in developing countries, filmmaker Philippe Diaz contends that today's economic inequities arose as a result of colonization, military conquest and slavery, with wealthier countries seizing the resources of the poor. Narrated by Martin Sheen, this absorbing documentary includes interviews with numerous historians, economists and sociologists who shed light on the ongoing conditions that contribute to poverty. A map of social theories, 1000-2000 by Alan Macfarlane Filmed as part of a second year course in social anthropology at Cambridge University in November 2001. The Ascent of Money Niall Ferguson looks at the history of moneylending, bond markets and the stock market. (4 part series). Zeitgeist: Addendum Running Time: 2 hrs 3 mins. a 2008 documentary film produced by Peter Joseph, is a continuation of the film Zeitgeist, the Movie. The film discusses the Federal Reserve System in the United States, the CIA, corporate America, other government and financial institutions, and even religion, concluding that they are all corrupt institutions detrimental to humanity and are in need of replacement. The film proposes The Venus Project as a possible solution. According to director Peter Joseph, the film "attempts to locate the root causes of this pervasive social corruption, while offering a solution". In its conclusion, Addendum stresses the need for belief systems to embrace the ideas of emergence and interdependence. He outlines concrete steps that can be taken to weaken the monetary system. The film suggests actions for "social transformation", which include boycotts of the large banks that make up the Federal Reserve System, the mainstream media, the military, and energy companies. It is also suggested that people reject the political structure. ![]() Race: The Power of Illusion (Can be rented from Amazon at $1.99 per episode and watch it instanly) The division of the world's peoples into distinct groups - "red," "black," "white" or "yellow" peoples - has became so deeply imbedded in our psyches, so widely accepted, many would promptly dismiss as crazy any suggestion of its falsity. Yet, that's exactly what this provocative, new three-hour series by California Newsreel claims. Race - The Power of an Illusion questions the very idea of race as biology, suggesting that a belief in race is no more sound than believing that the sun revolves around the earth. Yet race still matters. Just because race doesn't exist in biology doesn't mean it isn't very real, helping shape life chances and opportunities. Episode 1- The Difference Between Us: examines the contemporary science - including genetics - that challenges our common sense assumptions that human beings can be bundled into three or four fundamentally different groups according to their physical traits. Episode 2- The Story We Tell: uncovers the roots of the race concept in North America, the 19th century science that legitimated it, and how it came to be held so fiercely in the western imagination. The episode is an eye-opening tale of how race served to rationalize, even justify, American social inequalities as "natural." Episode 3- The House We Live In: asks, If race is not biology, what is it? This episode uncovers how race resides not in nature but in politics, economics and culture. It reveals how our social institutions "make" race by disproportionately channeling resources, power, status and wealth to white people. Official Website: Full transcrips available. LOOKING FOR LINCOLN Historian Henry Louis Gates Jr.’s quest to piece together Lincoln’s complex life takes him from Illinois to Gettysburg to Washington, D.C., and face-to-face with people who live with Lincoln every day – relic hunters, re-enactors, and others for whom the study of Lincoln is a passion. Among those weighing in: Pulitzer Prize winners Doris Kearns Goodwin and Tony Kushner; presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush; and Lincoln scholars including Harold Holzer, vice chair of the Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Commission; Harvard University’s president Drew Faust and history professor David Hebert Donald; Yale University history professor David Blight; and Allen Guelzo of Gettysburg College. Bill Moyes interview with James Cone Aprx. 40 minutes The subject of this episode is one you don't hear discussed very often in politics or around the dining table. It's buried so deeply in the American psyche that rarely does anyone bring it front and center. Our silence on it is one reason we have so much difficulty coming to terms with race in America. I'm reluctant to raise it even now, because it's anything but a comfortable subject for television. This is an interview with James Cone who has a powerful message about seeing America through the experience of the cross and the lynching tree. Also watch: Strange Fruit: The Cross and the Lynching Tree (10/2006) 90 minutes. Bill Moyers Journal: Interview with Jeremiah Wright 56 mins. More than 3,000 news stories have been penned since early April about Jeremiah Wright and Barack Obama. But behind the five second loop is a man who has preached three different sermons nearly every Sunday since 1972. In his interview on BILL MOYERS JOURNAL, Reverend Wright discusses what drew him to the pulpit and the recent controversy surrounding him. Bill Moyers Journal: Fred Harris on the Kerner Commission. 26 Mins. You have to go searching deep into their websites, to find out what the presidential candidates think about urban issues. Their speeches on the subject have been few and far between, and during all those debates of the past year, cities were rarely mentioned. Perhaps it's because to talk about cities, we have to think about the very touchy subject of race. Or perhaps the culprit is amnesia; we've simply forgotten the past that produced the urban challenges of today. Here's what I mean: The official name for it was the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders. But it passed through the press into popular lore as the Kerner Commission report, and that's how it's remembered today — at least to those of us old enough to remember. If you think all the talk about race in this presidential campaign is savage, you should have been around 40 years ago, in 1968, when this report was published. Talk about controversy! The Kerner Report was an unflinching portrait of America — and it was born from the flames of exploding cities. |
![]() ![]() FRONTLINE: Sick Around America Duration: 1 hr FRONTLINE travels the country examining the nation's broken health care system and exploring the need for a fundamental overhaul. Duration: 1 hr FRONTLINE Sick Around the World Duration: 1 hr What might the U.S. learn from the health care systems of five other democracies? Frontline: The Meth Epidemic An investigation into how and why meth used spiraled out of control and became the fast-growing drug abuse problem in America. And from the same program: How Meth Destroys The Body ![]() The Diamond Empire: Oppenheimer family's cartel, Artificial scarcity (1994) Running Time: 80 mins. This is a frontline report that aired in 1994 explaining how De Beers is able to create an artificial scarcity of diamonds through its wholly-owned Central Selling Organization (CSO), thus keeping all prices high. A cartel is a group of formally independent producers whose goal is to increase their collective profits by means of price fixing, limiting supply, or other restrictive practices. Frontline - Secret History of the Credit Card (2004) 56 mins The average American family today carries 10 credit cards. Credit card debt and personal bankruptcies are now at an all time high. With no legal limit on the amount of interest or fees that can be charged, credit cards have become the most profitable sector of the American banking industry: more than $30 billion in profits last year alone. FRONTLINE examines how the credit card industry became so pervasive, so lucrative, and so powerful. If copyright becomes an issue on this video upload, it will be deleted immediately. Please rate and comment. Frontline - Is Wal-Mart Good For America Running Time: 56 mins FRONTLINE explores the relationship between U.S. job losses and the American consumer's insatiable desire for bargains in "Is Wal-Mart Good for America?" Through interviews with retail executives, product manufacturers, economists, and trade experts, correspondent Hedrick Smith examines the growing controversy over the Wal-Mart way of doing business and asks whether a single retail giant has changed the American economy. If copyright becomes an issue on this video upload, it will be deleted immediately. Please rate and comment. Merchants
Of Cool ![]() Guns Germs and Steel After journeying to the four corners of the world to unearth the causes of inequality, Prof. Jared Diamond came up with a straightforward explanation: People's fortunes hinge on their geography and their contact with guns, germs and steel. Interlacing science, anthropology and historical reenactments, this insightful documentary based on Diamond's best-selling book brings to life his intriguing hypothesis Episode 1 Jared Diamond’s journey of discovery began on the island of Papua New Guinea. There, in 1974, a local named Yali asked Diamond a deceptively simple question: “Why is it that you white people developed so much cargo, but we black people had little cargo of our own?” Episode 2 On November 15th 1532, 168 Spanish conquistadors arrive in the holy city of Cajamarca, at the heart of the Inca Empire, in Peru. They are exhausted, outnumbered and terrified – ahead of them are camped 80,000 Inca troops and the entourage of the Emperor himself. Yet, within just 24 hours, more than 7,000 Inca warriors lie slaughtered; the Emperor languishes in chains; and the victorious Europeans begin a reign of colonial terror which will sweep through the entire American continent. Episode 3 So far, Jared Diamond has demonstrated how geography favoured one group of people – Europeans – endowing them with agents of conquest ahead of their rivals around the world. Guns, germs and steel allowed Europeans to colonize vast tracts of the globe – but what happened when this all-conquering package arrived in Africa, the birthplace of humanity?
Diamond on why societies collapse (2 hr lecture below) Jared
Diamond - How Societies Fail - And Sometimes Succeed
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